Technical Architecture


Architecture Components

  • SigNoz OpenTelemetry Collector
  • ClickHouse
  • Query Service
  • Frontend
  • Alert Manager

OpenTelemetry Collector can receive data in multiple formats. Here are some of the commonly used receivers:

  • Jaeger Receiver
  • Kafka Receiver
  • OpenCensus Receiver
  • OTLP Receiver
  • Zipkin Receiver

One can send data from their applications directly to SigNoz Otel collector or external otel collectors can be used for collecting telemetry data & sending to SigNoz otel collector. These external otel collectors are then working effectively as an agent to collect data first and then send to SigNoz Otel collector.

Query Service is the interface between Frontend and ClickHouse. It provides APIs to be consumed by frontend application and queries ClickHouse to fetch data and processes data before responding back to the frontend.

Frontend is the UI, built in ReactJS and Typescript and provides advanced trace/span filtering capabilities and plot metrics to provide service overviews.

Alert Manager evaluates different alert rules set by the users and triggers an alert if a threshold is crossed.

Opentelemetry Introduction

SigNoz uses OpenTelemetry for instrumenting applications and for collecting telemetry data. The following docs may be useful to get familiar with the basic concepts of OpenTelemetry

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