Upgrade to v0.10 from earlier versions

v0.10 is a breaking release which requires data migration for errors and exceptions section, if you are upgrading from an older version then you have to run the data migration scripts to be able to see past errors and exceptions data.

First upgrade to v0.10

Follow the platform specific instructions to upgrade to 0.10 and above.

📝 Note

The past exceptions/error data will not be visible on the new application until you run the migration script.

Steps to run migration script:

For Docker

docker run --name signoz-migrate --network clickhouse-setup_default \
  -it -d signoz/migrate:0.10 -host=clickhouse -port=9000

Steps to check logs:

docker logs -f signoz-migrate

In case of failure and have to run again, make sure to cleanup the container before running the migration script again.

docker stop signoz-migrate

docker rm signoz-migrate

For Docker Swarm

For Swarm, you could follow similar step to that of Docker. However, you would need to expose clickhouse container ports to host machine and use host machine IP i.e. for -host flag instead of clickhouse.

If you do not want to change anything in the current signoz deployment or to expose clickhouse ports even temporarily, you can go through following steps.

  1. To download migration-v0.10 binary:

    wget https://github.com/SigNoz/signoz-db-migrations/releases/download/v0.10/migration-v0.10-linux-amd64
    chmod +x migration-v0.10-linux-amd64
  2. To copy the binary in persistent volume path /var/lib/clickhouse in clickhouse container:

    docker cp migration-v0.10-linux-amd64 $(docker ps -q -f name=signoz_clickhouse):/var/lib/clickhouse/migration-0.10
  3. To exec into the clickhouse container:

    docker exec -it $(docker ps -q -f name=signoz_clickhouse) bash
  4. Now, change directory to the /var/lib/clickhouse and run the migration script:

    cd /var/lib/clickhouse

    You should see output similar to this: 9000 default 
    No TTL found, skipping TTL migration
    There are total 1 rows, starting migration... 
    Processing 1 rows of serviceName flaskApp 
    Writing 1 rows
    ServiceName: flaskApp 
    Migrated till: 2022-07-15 09:15:04.151093623 +0000 UTC 
    TimeNano: 1657876504151093623 
    Completed migration in:  14.299842ms
    Dropping signoz_error_index table
    Successfully dropped signoz_error_index
  5. At last, clean up the binary:

    rm migration-0.10

For Kubernetes

kubectl -n platform run -i -t signoz-migrate --image=signoz/migrate:0.10 --restart='Never' \
  -- -host=my-release-clickhouse -port=9000 -userName=admin -password=27ff0399-0d3a-4bd8-919d-17c2181e6fb9

Steps to check logs:

kubectl -n platform logs -f signoz-migrate

In case of failure and have to run again, make sure to cleanup the pod before running the migration script again.

kubectl -n platform delete pod signoz-migrate

In case of upgradation failure

  1. Note the ServiceName: xxxxx and TimeNano: xxxxx in the logs of the migration script
  2. Check the recommneded batch size section at the end of this page and use a runtime flag if needed
  3. Re-run migration command using flags service and timeNano and batchSize with values from above as mentioned in the CLI Flags section below
  4. Reach out to us at slack

Command-Line Interface (CLI) Flags

There are some custom flags which can be enabled based on different usecases. All the flags below are optional.


  • -port : Specify port of clickhouse. default=9000
  • -host : Specify host of clickhouse. default=
  • -userName : Specify user name of clickhouse. default=default
  • -password : Specify password of clickhouse. default=""
  • -dropOldTable : If it is set to true then the old tables will be dropped after data migration is successful default=true
  • -service : If you want to restart the migration starting with the service after it has failed specify the service name with -service. default=""
  • -timeNano : Timestamp in nano after which the migration needs to be restarted. default=""
  • -batchSize : Batch size of the reading/writing to clickhouse as part of migration. default="70000"

Recommended batch size: Larger batch size leads to faster migration. But large batch size requires more memory. On average 1 row takes around 1.5 KBytes uncompressed data. So 70,000 rows uses around ~105 MBytes of data storage. So if you are migrating large data then you should use a larger batch size based on available memory on clickhouse and migration pods. Average row size varies for each system, so you should check the average row size of your system and use a proper batch size. To get the average row size of your table, you can use the following command after connecting to clickhouse:

    formatReadableSize(sum(data_uncompressed_bytes) AS usize) AS uncompressed, 
    sum(rows) AS total_rows,
    formatReadableSize(usize/sum(rows)) AS avg_rows_size
FROM system.parts
WHERE (active = 1) AND (database LIKE 'signoz_traces') AND (table LIKE 'signoz_error_index')

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