Logs Explorer in SigNoz


The Logs Explorer page in SigNoz enables developers to filter, examine, and analyze logs. There are two ways to filter the logs and each way has 3 different views available in Logs Explorer which include:

Operations on Data

The search feature in Logs Explorer allows you to filter your logs data using different attributes (like serviceName, status etc.) using operators (like IN, = etc.). You can filter using multiple attributes simultaneously.

Search feature in Logs Explorer
Search feature in Logs Explorer

Query Builder

Just like search, the Query Builder also allows you to filter your logs data based on different attributes using operators. The Query Builder provides you with additional powerful features like aggregation, grouping etc. on your data. To learn more about the Query Builder, refer to this documentation.

Query Builder feature in Logs Explorer
Query Builder feature in Logs Explorer


There are three views available in both Search and Query Builder.

Different Views in Logs Explorer
Different Views in Logs Explorer

List View

The list view in logs explorer has the following features:

Download logs

You can download your logs in two format:

  • Excel (.xlsx)
  • CSV
Download Logs feature in List View of Logs Explorer
Download Logs feature in List View of Logs Explorer


The settings option has three sections:


There are three formats available which represents the logs in different formats :

  1. Raw: Shows the logs entries in the raw format as they appear in the logging system.
  2. Default: It provides a balanced view by formatting a raw log based on different attributes to make it more readable.
  3. Column: It organizes the logs data into different attribute Columns to provide a tabular view of logs.
Different logs format
Different logs format

Max lines per row

The maximum number of lines of text that each log entry is allowed to display.

Maximum lines per log rows
Maximum lines per log rows


You can add new columns for the different attributes available in your logs. This only works for Default and Column format. By default the log is formatted into Timestamp and Body in the Default and Column views.

Add or remove attributes columns
Add or remove attributes columns

Show in Context

When you hover over a log in any format, at the right most side, you'll find an option to Show in Context.

This will by default show you 10 logs before and 10 logs after the log that you have selected which can be used in faster debugging.

You can load more than 10 logs logs and also filter the logs by a particular attribute.

Show in context feature of List View in Logs Explorer
Show in context feature of List View in Logs Explorer

Copy Link

You can copy the link to a particular log line which can be shared and accessed by anyone who has access to same SigNoz instance.

Copy Link feature of List View in Logs Explorer
Copy Link feature of List View in Logs Explorer

Time Series View

The Time Series View provides a graphical representation of logs data over time based on the filters or operations applied.

Timeseries View in the Logs Explorer
Timeseries View in Logs Explorer

Table View

The Table View provides a tabular representation of different operations like the count logs, average of duration etc., based on the filters applied.

Table View in the Logs Explorer
Table View in Logs Explorer

Log Details

When you click on a log line in any format it will open up a Log Detail panel which gives a comprehensive view of your log. This is only available in the List View.

Log Details Panel in Logs Explorer
Log Details Panel in Logs Explorer

The panel provides the following sections:


Overview has two sections:


This shows the complete body of the log in JSON format by default. Once you toggle on Wrap text, the logs get converted to the Raw format.

Log Body in Overview section of Log Details
Log Body in Overview section of Log Details


This the attributes of the logs in a tabular format showing the attribute name and its value.

The following features are available in this section:

Pin an attribute

You can pin an attribute using the pin icon shown on the left side of the attribute name. The pinned attribute will be shown at the top when you open a new log line.

Pin an attribute
Pin an attribute

Search Attribute

You can search for an attribute available in your log using the search bar.

Search an attribute
Pin an attribute

Filter for Value

Using this, you can instantly filter the logs based on a particular attribute and its value using the IN operator.

For example, if the attribute is container_id and it's value is debian then using Filter for Value will create a filter container_id IN debian. This will list the logs where the container_id attribute is debian.

Filter for Value
Filter for Value

Filter out Value

Using this, you can instantly filter the logs based on a particular attribute and its value using the NOT_IN operator.

For example, if the attribute is container_id and it's value is debian then using Filter out Value will create a filter container_id NOT_IN debian. This will list the logs where the container_id attribute is not debian.

Filter out Value
Filter out Value


This section displays the log in JSON format. You can:

Wrap Text

Switching the toggle on for wrap text will convert your log to raw format from JSON.

Wrap text
Wrap text

Copy Log

Copy your log in either JSON or Raw form.

Copy Log
Copy Log


This section will by default show you 10 logs before and 10 logs after the log that you have selected which can be used in faster debugging.

You can:

  • Load more than 10 logs.
  • Filter the logs by a particular attribute.
Context in Log Details
Context in Log Details

Live View

The Live View streams new log entries continuously as they occur. This can help in debugging the real-time incidents.

Switch to Live view in Logs Explorer
Switch to Live view in Logs Explorer

These are the following features available in live view:

Search Filter

You can filter your logs based on different attributes. Just below the search filter section, you get a histogram which shows the count of logs at different times for the particular filter(s).

Search filter in Live view
Search filter in Live view


Just like List View, there are three formats in which you can view your logs:

  • Raw
  • Table
  • List (Default)

By hovering over the Format button in the Raw and Table View, you can change the Max lines per Row for your logs.

Different formats in Live view
Different formats in Live view

Pause and Resume

The Live Logs can be paused to stop the real-time feed. This allows users to scroll through the logs without new entries being pushed.

Pause and Resume in Live view in Logs Explorer
Pause and Resume Live view in Logs Explorer

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